
Travel safely and affordably with Fare Market



Leaving within 24hrs


Leaving from anywhere
Going anywhere


Drivers only

Local Car Rentals

Local Car Rentals

Name Vehicles and Price (ec) / day Deposit (ec) Terms Phone

Who we are

Our mission at FareMarket is to connect Drivers with Passengers. Use our Search tools to find other members driving to and from your area. If you can't find a driver, post your trip online with the "Create Trip" button and let drivers find you.

When to use

We are particularly useful for early morning or late night journeys when there are few buses on the road.


Synchronize your trip times with others to present more economical opportunities for drivers. Your chances of finding a ride increase while your fare decreases.

How do I start?

Registration is easy. The first step is to join the

Waitukubuli Travellers Club.

From there you will get everything you need to start posting.

The Facebook club is also a forum where we can interact with each other about anything FareMarket related.